Hi! I'm Zoe, and welcome to Well-Being in Bloom

When I say I've been there, I mean it. Perioral Dermatitis quite literally took over my life. I didn't want to leave the house to attend events, see friends, I didn't even want my partner to come visit me. Not to mention the complete loss of confidence and feelings of intense isolation.

But I got to a point where I knew I could no longer rely on doctors to help me heal this, and I was going to have to do this on my own. So I learned everything I could about PD, while also going to school for Holistic Nutrition. The result? I was not only able to heal my skin, I healed my decade long struggle with gut issues and hormonal imbalances.

I know it may feel like you've tried everything to heal your PD, but I can promise you, you haven't. My 1 on 1 programs have helped women from all around the world heal their skin, and now I've turned my proven method into courses, so that you can finally get to the root of your PD and get off the hamster wheel of seemingly endless flareups.

With love,
